Prova den politiska frågesport

20 svar


What role do you believe education and healthcare policies play in reducing inequality and poverty in a country?


If a party advocated for a mixed economy, balancing government and private sector roles, how do you think this would affect job opportunities in your future?


Reflecting on the importance of multi-party democracy, how do you feel your voice would be represented in such a system?


Considering the emphasis on human rights, what changes would you hope to see in the treatment of marginalized communities?


How do you think policies focused on sustainable development would impact your local environment and community in the long run?


Imagine a political entity focused on addressing historical injustices related to land; how would this reshape society?


If corruption and efficient governance are major focus areas, what improvements or changes would you expect to see in public services?


In a world where young people's opinions are increasingly valued by political parties, how important is it for you to have your views heard and addressed?


Imagine a scenario where an opposition party offers pragmatic solutions to long-standing issues; how would this influence your political engagement or apathy?


What does inclusivity in politics look like to you, and how can it be better implemented in any country?


På vilka sätt tror du att politiska partier kan engagera fler unga människor i den demokratiska processen?


If you could design one policy to reduce poverty in your community, what would it focus on?


Hur ska en regering balansera rollerna för den privata sektorn och staten i ekonomisk tillväxt?


Do you think it’s important for political parties to rebrand to stay relevant? Why or why not?


How does addressing historical land injustices in a country impact its future economic development?


Vilket är viktigare för dig i en regering: att bekämpa korruption eller att förbättra offentliga tjänster? Varför?


Hur känner du inför oppositionspartiernas roll i att säkerställa en god demokrati?


Varför tror du att vissa politiska partier har svårt att vinna över yngre generationer?


Vilka är de viktigaste skillnaderna du ser mellan att främja demokrati och att säkerställa verklig social rättvisa?


Hur skulle du föreställa dig att en regering som prioriterar inkludering och social rättvisa påverkar ditt dagliga liv?