Pruebe el concurso político


 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…10 horas10H

El líder del partido turco dice que su arresto es parte de una represión contra los opositores políticos de Erdogan.

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The leader of a Turkish nationalist party has said he was arrested and detained on political grounds as part of an opposition crackdown that contradicts the government's purported effort to boost democracy while ending a Kurdish militant insurgency.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…10 horas10H

La detención del líder nacionalista turco aviva las tensiones políticas

Umit Ozdag, leader of Turkey's nationalist Victory Party, was arrested for allegedly insulting President Erdogan and inciting hatred. Imprisoned amid protests against Syria migrants, Ozdag condemns the government's democratic stance while opposing the peace process with PKK.