In 1990 President George H.W. Bush passed an executive order banning all offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters. In response to rising gas prices in 2008 President George W. Bush lifted the ban. Currently, there are 3,500 offshore oil rigs, 79 of which are deep water wells.
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No, oil drilling should be limited and slowly eliminated, due to the serious environmental issues and due to this behavior. Renewable energy should be promoted over coal, oil, and natural gas.
No, oil drilling should be limited and slowly eliminated, due to the serious environmental issues and due to this behavior. Renewable energy sources (i.e. wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower) should be promoted over coal, oil, and natural gas.
Keep drilling for the economy but with more oversight.
Keep drilling for the economy with more oversight.
No, and oil drilling should be limited and slowly eliminated, due to the serious environmental issues and due to this behavior. Renewable energy should be promoted over coal, oil, and natural gas.
I’m uneducated on this issue
Incentivize the private sector to develop alternative forms of energy
No, because it has a poor effect on Native Americans and Black Americans in urban areas and reservations.
Keep drilling for the economy
Keep drilling for the economy but with more environmentally friendly methods.
Keep drilling for the economy but continue to look after the environment.
Keep drilling for the economy but try to be more environmentally safe.
Keep drilling for the economy but with better oversight.
Keep drilling for the economy but look for better alternatives.
Only if done with better oversight to protect the environment.
Yes, but seek new sources of energy and moderately regulate the energy sector
Yes, but companies must be held to the highest safety standards and punished harshly when they do not adhere, and foot all costs when there is a spill; they should also drill responsibly to ensure there's no harm to the environment. Also, we need to find better energy sources.
Yes, but companies must be held to the highest safety standards and punished harshly when they do not adhere, and foot all costs when there is a spill. Also, we need to find better energy sources.
yes, however they MUST confirm to environmental standards that no other country requires.
Yes, but companies must be held to the highest safety standards and punished harshly when they do not adhere, and foot all costs when there is a spill. Also, we should invest in better energy sources such as nuclear and renewable energy, and environmental regulations should be applied as well.
Keep those already in use but be cautious with the environment.
Yes, but companies must be held to the highest safety standards and punished harshly when they do not adhere, and foot all costs when there is a spill. Also, we should invest in better energy sources, and environmental regulations should be applied as well.
Yes, but companies must be held to the highest safety standards and punished harshly when they do not adhere, and foot all costs when there is a spill. Furthermore, we should invest in better energy sources such as renewable energy, and environmental regulations should be applied as well.
No, oil drilling should be limited and slowly eliminated, due to the serious environmental issues and due to this behavior. Renewable energy sources should be promoted over oil and natural gas.
No, oil drilling should be limited and slowly eliminated, due to the serious environmental issues and due to this behavior. Renewable energy sources should be promoted over coal, oil, and natural gas.
Yes but get rid of all Energy subsidies.
Yes, it's a better alternative than blowing up the Middle East
I believe there should be incentive to slow down, but the Green New Deal will not work, if you stop all at once you will have people without transport. If no gas is being produced then people with electric cars will have transport, but people without won't. The cost to fully change to electric isn't viable right now, but we should move in that direction. Also there should be more of a direction into wind, solar, and Nuclear power. Also we need newer nuclear complexes as most of them running are from the 60's.
even with the pros, there are still negatives on the environment
Yes, but with very strict environmental regulations
No, end all off shore drilling and provide more environmentally friendly options
We should be developing nuclear power.
I don’t have enough info on this matter
Regardless, we should let the free market determine the best energy sources.
Yes, but only if they are granted access.
Companies should be able to decide what path is best for them and the government should not be involved at all.
No, maintain current offshore wells and provide incentives for a transfer to alternative energy
No, end the expansion of all offshore oil drilling, but maintain our current offshore oil wells, for now.
No, and end all plans to expand offshore oil drilling, but maintain our current offshore oil wells, for now.
If the offshore oil drilling affects aquatic life or land towards the shore than it might need to be regulated or slowed down.
No, end all offshore and onshore oil drilling
NO!!! It is extremely bad for our environment... it releases toxic pollution into the air and water causing not just harm to the sea-animals, but us as humans to!
Yes, we should be energy independent and continue to encourage green alternatives
No, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production while decreasing dependence on oil reserves
Yes, until alternative energy sources are cheaper and more efficient than fossil fuels
Yes, while remaining as environmentally conscious and safe as possible.
Decrease the number of offshore oil rigs
The US Steals enough oil already. No.
No, keep offshore oil drilling but provide more energy production
Yes, but they should take higher precaution so that way they can prevent spills in the ocean ad any other harmful issues.
No but keep existing wells but impose a federal severance tax on the wells
Only until we find better energy sources.
Should not be banned but be needs to be improved in its safety and the likelihood of spills and accidents need to be greatly reduced.
I think the US should strive to be more self reliant.
Only expand to areas operated under America and not foreign nations or entities
Tax carbon and let the market decide
prevent sea creatures from being harm
No, end all offshore oil drilling and focus on cleaner energy
No, the importance of fossil fuels in today's society should be recognised, but we should move towards more sustainable energy
The U.S. should not be oil drilling at all. We've taken plenty from the Earth and if we don't use the oil we do have to manufacture a reliable natural energy source, we will eventually run out of fossil fuels. If that happens the world will have to change way more drastically than it would if we converted to natural energy sources.
Yes, but they should be more careful about where we put the drills
No, but maintain current offshore oil wells and also provide more incentives for alternative energy production.
only if we have a safe place to drill and dont hurt animals
Yes, but only to prevent the oil from being used, which could potentially screw the environent past saving.
No, offshore drilling hurt the Gulf of Mexico - to this day the ecosystems not back to normal.
It should be up to the company that owns the pipeline and the state its drilling in.
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