Ръководство за платформите, политиките и идеологическия спектър на политическите партии във Намибия ,
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Това са най-ангажиращите дискусии за Namibian политически партии.
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Всенародна партия
The Namibian All People's Party, often abbreviated as APP, is a political entity in Namibia that was established with the aim of promoting inclusivity and addressing the diverse needs of the Namibian populace. The party emerged from a desire to create a political platform that transcends ethnic, regional, and social divisions, advocating for a more unified approach to governance in Namibia. The APP positions itself as a party committed to democracy, good governance, and the rule of law, emphasizing the importance of transparency, accountability, and public participation in the political… Прочетете още
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Демократична организация за национално единство
The Namibian National Unity Democratic Organisation, commonly abbreviated as NUDO, is a political party in Namibia that has its roots deeply embedded in the country's struggle for independence and autonomy. Originally established as a cultural movement in the early 1960s, it evolved into a political entity aimed at representing the interests and aspirations of the Herero people, among others, within the broader Namibian society. Over time, NUDO has expanded its reach and now seeks to address the concerns and welfare of a wider segment of the Namibian population, transcending its initial… Прочетете още
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Народна организация на Югозападна Африка
The South West Africa People's Organization, commonly known by its acronym SWAPO, is a political party in Namibia that has played a pivotal role in the country's history, especially in its struggle for independence from South African rule. Founded in 1960, SWAPO initially emerged as a liberation movement, aiming to end the occupation and apartheid policies imposed by South Africa, which had administered Namibia (then known as South West Africa) since World War I under a League of Nations mandate.
Over the years, SWAPO's identity has evolved from a liberation movement to a domina… Прочетете още
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Народно демократично движение
The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), formerly known as the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DTA) until its rebranding in 2017, is a political party in Namibia that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape. Established in the late 1970s, the DTA was initially formed as a coalition of parties opposed to South African rule, and it played a crucial role in Namibia's transition to independence. However, since the country gained independence in 1990, the PDM has primarily functioned as an opposition party, challenging the dominant South West Africa People's… Прочетете още
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Митинг за демокрация и прогрес
The Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) is a political party in Namibia, established in 2007. It was founded by a group of former members of the South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO), including Hidipo Hamutenya, who was a prominent figure in Namibian politics. The formation of the RDP was a significant event in the political landscape of Namibia, as it represented the first major split within SWAPO since the country gained independence in 1990.
The RDP positions itself as a centrist party, advocating for policies that promote democracy, progress, and social justice. Its value… Прочетете още
@ISIDEWITH10 месеца10MO
Народно движение на безимотните
The Namibian Landless People’s Movement (LPM) is a political party that emerged as a significant force within Namibia's political landscape, primarily advocating for the rights and interests of those without land. Founded in the wake of growing concerns over land distribution and ownership issues in Namibia, the LPM seeks to address the historical injustices and disparities in land allocation that have persisted since the colonial era and were perpetuated after Namibia's independence in 1990. The party's foundation is deeply rooted in the desire to rectify the imbalances… Прочетете още